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Pita Bread: The Health Benefits

What Is It?

The pita bread is a yeast-leavened round flatbread made from wheat flour that has been popular in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and neighboring regions for centuries.

Great For Weight Loss

If losing weight is your goal, then eating Low-Calorie Whole Wheat bread can help.

In one study, people who ate a lower-calorie diet that included whole grains like whole-wheat bread lost more belly fat than those who ate only refined grains like white bread and white rice. Whole grains are higher in vitamins, minerals, and fiber than refined grains. However, eating too much whole wheat bread can lead to weight gain.

Contains Essential Nutrients

The nutrient content varies depending on the type of bread used.

However, bread made from white flour typically contains 33 g of carbohydrates and 5.5 g of protein per pita. There are also iron and calcium supplements.

Beneficial In Diabetes

Diabetics will benefit greatly from whole wheat bread. Carbohydrate-rich foods can cause blood sugar spikes; however, the American Diabetes Association recommends whole-grain bread, such as whole-grain bread, over white bread.

Because complex carbohydrates are metabolized more slowly, scaling back on refined grains like white bread and replacing them with whole grains is a good idea. Whole-grain bread contains more fiber than refined bread, and fiber aids in the slow absorption of carbohydrates consumed in the same meal.

It Is Packed WithFiber

The pita bread made from whole grains has a high fiber content, which aids digestion. Dietary fiber softens your bowels and makes them easier to pass, reducing the likelihood of constipation.

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